sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015


PARA MAS: ►►►http://javitour.com La madre naturaleza nunca deja de sorprendernos y de maravillarnos con su exquisita y compleja perfección, hay muchísimas mas cascadas que sin lugar a dudas te habría encantado conocer, sin embargo según los turistas y visitantes, estas serian las más asombrosas del mundo, y es que una imagen puede hablar más que mil palabras, es por ello que he preparado una exquisita galería de los saltos de aguas, cascadas o cataratas mas asombrosas del mundo entero, no dejarás de asombrarte ni maravillarte con cada una de ellas, las cuales de seguro no sabías de la existencia de algunas de ellas. Entre las más conocidas podremos encontrar las cataratas del Niagara, Iguazù y victoria, tenemos otras tal vez no tan famosas como estas, pero igual de hermosas, y son las cataratas Ventall Falls, Kaieteur o Maletsunyane, no cabe dudas de que las características más comunes de estas cascadas son su impotente belleza y los asombrosos paisajes que no nos deja de maravilla

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http://javitour.com/los-10-parques-nacionales-mas-visitados-de-estados-unidos/ Los amantes de la naturaleza siempre buscan siempre disfrutar de un fantástico Parque Nacional en cada uno de los sitios que visita. La adrenalina de un espectacular espacio desconocido que te brinde la oportunidad de disfrutar de escaladas y hermosos escenarios es simplemente irresistible para los corazones aventureros del mundo. Para quienes visitan los Estados Unidos esta regla no es ninguna excepción. Este país del norte del continente Americano provee Parques Nacionales capaces de quitarle el aliento a quienes los visitan. Extendidos a lo largo y ancho del territorio norteamericano encontramos un gran número de áreas naturales protegidas con escenarios impecables y dignos de visitar. Conoce los 10 Parques Nacionales más visitados de Estados Unidos 1.- Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2.- Grand Canyon National Park 3.- Yosemite National Park 4.- Yellowstone National Park 5.- Olympic Nation

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MAS INFORMACION AQUI: http://javitour.com/las-10-atracciones-turisticas-mas-visitadas-dubai/ Dubái se ha convertido en un atractivo país tanto para los locales como para los emigrantes y turistas. Este país es uno de los 7 que conforman los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Dubái ha basado su desarrollo económico en el petróleo, sin embargo, sus gobernantes decidieron invertir sus recursos para ofrecer una especie muy distinta de turismo, el de lujo. En este país del Oriente Medio se pueden encontrar desde mundialmente importantes centros comerciales hasta una maravillosa arquitectura tanto antigua como moderna. Descubre las 10 atracciones turísticas más visitadas de Dubai! 1.- Burj Al Arab 2.- Burj Khalifa 3.- Las fuentes de Dubái 4.- Hotel Atlantis 5.- Global Village 6.- Isla Palma Jumeirah 7.- Río de Dubái 8.- Dubái Esquí 9.- Marina de Dubái 10.- Wild Wadi https://youtu.be/eZ99xQAbLRY

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viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015


DESCARGAR AQUI: http://javierchirinos.com/somanabolico-maximizador MAS INFO:http://javierchirinos.com/alimentos-para-aumentar-masa-muscular/ ¿Has estado adiestrando a lo largo de un tiempo y no ves los desenlaces deseados? ¿Vas a empezar un plan para ampliar tus músculos y deseas que todo sea veloz y efectivo? Perfecto, primero asegúrate de repasar tu nutrición y también agregar los mejores comestibles para ganar masa muscular de manera rápida. Esto no es gracieta. La alimentación es la base esencial que puede determinar el éxito o bien el definitivo descalabro de tu rutina de adiestramiento para ampliar tus músculos. De ahí que es esencial saber qué cosas comer y qué cosas no, y cuáles son los mejores instantes para hacerlo. Para asistirte un tanto y animarte a proseguir adelante, en este artículo voy a aconsejarte los comestibles más esenciales y también indispensables en una dieta para el desarrollo muscular. Esencialmente son los comestibles que aportan grandes cantidades d

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martes, 3 de marzo de 2015


Mas informacion: http://javierchirinos.com Dieta para engordar veloz, ¿qué peculiaridades debe cumplir? A fin de que una dieta para aumentar masa muscular de...

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domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Exercise routine to work every muscle group

These are the widely know full-body exercise routines, in these, you work every muscle work in every workout, leaving at least a rest day between each workout. In this kind of routine, people normally use between 3 and 6 exercises per workout, focusing only on compounds exercises. Full-body workouts, advantages and disadvantages


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What is the best diet diet to build muscle?

The best diet to gain muscle mass is the one that conforms adequately to all the personal requirements and must be unique to each individual.You must have read or heard on internet or somewhere, that everybody, and every individual metabolism is different from each other, which can mean that a diet to increase muscle mass which serves and works for one person, may not have the same impact on the other.This is because each body works differently.

It turns out that there are many factors that influence an individual and they acts directly or indirectly in the assimilation of dietary nutrients by the body, and more specifically by the muscle fibers. Factors such as age, weight, height, routine or lifestyle, genetics, and also training type, intensity, amount of time, sleep among many others, are prevailing at the time of the results of a diet aimed to increase muscle mass.diet for muscle gain

This is why I personally do not recommend taking any diet you can find on internet web  and begin to do it without knowing what are the personal minimum requirements which you must follow to get the desired result.

What is a complete and absolute truth is that if you want to gain quality muscle mass and as fast as possible, and it is important that the diet you customize for this is constituted with an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, plus other nutrients , and you must ensure that you meet the basic requirements for the proper functioning of your entire system and also exist some stockpile to restore and  feed the muscle fibers that were destroyed during your workout routine.

What nutrients should have a diet diet to build muscle?

The amount and type of nutrients in a diet to increase muscle mass is closely linked to the elements listed above, and you should also take into account the body fat percentage held by each person, as a person whose fat percentage body is between 30 and 40 % can not have the same amount of carbohydrates and calories than another person whose body fat percentage it’s located between 12 and 15 %. Although both people whose main objective it’s muscle gain, they must consider that the man whose body fat percentage is greater should include in his diet a lesser amount of carbohydrates and sugars, and base his daily caloric requirements primarily through the consumption of protein and reduce ( not eliminate) the consumption of calories that comes from carbohydrate foods.

On the contrary, the person whose body fat percentage is lower can have a “better” balance between the amount of calories consumed through the intake of carbohydrates and protein intake. This does not mean that these nutrients can be consumed excessively, what I mean is that you could get energy and calories for your daily work , either through carbohydrates or through proteins. This is because your metabolism it’s  apparently faster than the previously mentioned, and can assimilate and make better use of calories contained in foods rich in carbohydrates.

What is absolutely true and you should always monitor it’s that to build muscle mass is important that your diet contains between 2 and 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, i.e. if you weight 70 kg, your daily diet should be composed of at least 140 grams of protein, preferably distributed into 5 or 6 meals a day, which means you should consume at each meal a totaling approximately 30-35 grams of protein.

Another factor to consider when assembling a diet to increase muscle mass is that if we do not want that annoying accumulation of fat in our mid-abdominal area, it is extremely important that you monitor the time and the time in which you consume carbohydrates along day. A huge number of professional bodybuilding and fitness athletes agree that carbohydrate intake should be decreasing throughout the day, i.e., consume a good amount of them in the early hours of the morning until noon, and reducing it from there to minimize as much as possible after three in the afternoon, also you should increase the amount of protein in the meals, and that this protein comes from quality sources such as fish and eggs.

Finally, a diet to increase muscle mass should be a highly personalized document, and this is where comes in the method of Kyles león. This allowed me to get where I am now.

What I liked about the content that offers this kind of program is that gave me the expected result, is a super software or specialized program that, writing in all your data , it automatically tells you specifically the percentage and type of food (based on the objective that you want to achieve ) you should consume, specifically in grams. Also, it gives to you 3 types of meal plans for your choice based on the calories you need to eat each day, even taking into account the time in which you train to  take advantage of the most important anabolic window to gain muscle mass.

But that’s not all , the system comes with a powerful  workout set specifically to your biotype and your physique, a plan strictly designed to not waste time in the gym and vintages inches of muscles each time you perform exercises, something really surprising.

You should see MY PERSONAL HISTORY, where i tell you how the SOMANABOLICO SYSTEM took a total turn to my workouts and my life. CLICK HERE TO READ MY STORY

What is the best diet diet to build muscle?

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